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Filmmaking is an expansive art form. It can include creative writing, visual art, design, fashion, music, dance, and more. Such a medium provides ample opportunity for young people to find their voice, and it's important that they be given this opportunity.

Below are examples of youth film workshops I've done with students ages 8-18. Workshop topics range, as does the student body. I've worked with students with disabilities and without, and from different socioeconomic spheres.


When you get, give. When you learn, teach. —Maya Angelou


Narrative Short 


Doughnut Duo

When two half-witted aspiring thieves concoct a plan to become the biggest villains in their town, they accidentally cross the local serial killer.

Filmmakers: Sadie Carfagno, Codie Feiner, Adrian Woodard

Cast: Devin Anthony Blake, Karrie Carfagno, Cady Garey, Alex Krecek

Co-mentor: Sam Gorman



When a long-time police officer catches a criminal, his past suddenly catches up to him.

Filmmakers: Ryan Beard, Ceci Becker, Alexander Gaither, Stephen Gentry

Cast: Paul Stober, Nathan Anderith, Julian Macalister, Robert Beard, Stephen Gentry, Alexander Gaither

Co-mentor: Saunder Boyle



A man and his ficus fight mortality, until a terminal diagnosis causes him to face facts and make amends.

Filmmakers: Nathan Ridings, Bertie Sackson

Cast: Chris Selier, Rachel Martinez, Tom Dresner

Co-mentor: Lyssandra Petersson

Music Video


"Weak at the Knees," The Willies

Filmmakers: Zach Ashby, Caroline Cox, Tee Dickinson, Summer Khaswan 

Cast: Andrew Tamberrino, Summer Khaswan, Robert Beard, Sandy Williams, Corey Cronin, Caroline Cox, Saunder Boyle

Co-mentor: Saunder Boyle


"Flight Patterns," Gina Sobel & The Mighty Fine

Filmmakers: Bertie Sackson, Liam Harr, Maxwell Mandel, Alexandra Velle-Loach

Cast: Rachel Martinez, Corey Cronin, Sarah Perkins, Amanda Christianson, Sophia Velle-Loach

Co-mentor: Sandy Williams


"Salt," Gold Connections

Filmmakers: Ceci Becker, Alexander Gaither, Jacob Hart, Nick Tennery

Cast: Corey Cronin, Marley Flannery


Intermediate Narrative


Super Stella

When Stella discovers how hard it is to find a comic book with a female lead at her local comic book shop, she decides to create one of her own. But can she get the shop owner on her side?

Cast: Bryanna Taylor, Danny Wagner

Filmmakers: Jenna Malyn, Caterina Roane, Connor Mackey, Vanita Shih

Co-mentor: Sandy Williams


Goodnight, Mike

Mike makes a new friend when he discovers Albert living under his bed, but their nightly gaming sessions start to take a toll on Mike's daytime life.

Filmmakers: Artina Li, Jolina Li, Abbey Murray, Aiden O'Brien-Olwell

Cast: Cady Garey, Josh Harris, Julian Macalister, Rachel Martinez


Skylar's Socks

Skylar experiences an identity crisis when she loses some of her trademark socks.

Filmmakers: Elliot Crotteau, Miles Kershner, Cole Lyman, Elijah Witt

Cast: Jordan Vonderharr, Corey Cronin, Elliot Croft

Intro to Animation


GrandFancy (Mixed media stop motion)

Filmmakers: Zyon Adams, Luca Ball, Elesia Cooper, Vanita Shih

Co-mentor: Amanda Patterson

Intro to Film


Mission: Purse Thief 

Three detectives use unconventional means to catch purse thief.

Filmmakers: Carter, Elesia, Mateo, Jane, Vanita

Co-mentor: Will Mullany



Got Skittles

When his friends dare him to stay in an abandoned building alone for 5 minutes, a boy accidentally temps the Skittles-obsessed ghost who lives there.

Filmmakers: Leo, Olin, Solly, Will

Co-mentor: Anne Schermerhorn



The Unicult

Two girls try to return some precious gems they find in the street. But when find out the gems belong to a unicorn-worshipping cult, they're in too deep to turn back.

Filmmakers: Sarah, Emma, Parker, Smith

Extras: Corey Cronin, Sarah Christianson

Co-Mentor: Ashley Yajalu